Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Tensions abound

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Tank Buster

Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-04-11

Tensions abound Empty
PostSubject: Tensions abound   Tensions abound EmptyTue May 07, 2013 9:02 am

The camera zooms in on the locker room as Masubuko and Tank Buster are seen, seemingly discussing their high stakes tag match later on that night.

Tank Buster: Listen, if you want that title we have to win tonight, you got me?

Masubuko: You stay out of my way and we will be fine. That title has my name on it and mine alone, understand? So do your job and we won't have a problem.

Masubuko walks off camera leaving Tank Buster alone as the camera fades out.
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