Wrestling Gone Wild
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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Manazz shows himself

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Corporal Escalada

Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-05-02

Manazz shows himself Empty
PostSubject: Manazz shows himself   Manazz shows himself EmptyFri May 03, 2013 3:27 pm

Corporal Escalada's music hits as he walks down to the ring

Escalada: I know none of you know who I am, but you will soon find out. I was in the Marines and have been on two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The crowd begin to chant 'USA, USA'

Escalada: Yes the good old U..S.. of A. The land of the fat and the lazy! The land of immigrants who do nothing for this great country.

Boo's begin to circle around the arena

Escalada: Shut your mouths you weak minded people, you are all mindless sheep that do nothing but eat fast food and spit out kids that will do nothing in their lives. This is not the country I fought for, this is the country i was trying to fight agenst! All of you in the crowd here tonight have never done a damn thing to help this country! You spit out as many kids as you can so that your well-fair checks can be bigger. Most of you weren't even born in this country yet you want the same rights that TRUE Americans do?

The crowd start to chant 'Shut your mouth!' then bang in the breaks before repeating once more

Escalada: No you shut your mouths! I have done more in my 26 years of living then all of you have and will ever do in your whole lives! You people make me sick! You could have never done what I have done outside of this ring let alone inside this ring. You all will never amount to anything! Now bring out this punk so I can Kick his ass!

Corporal Escalada awaits Manazz's arrival
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Posts : 119
Join date : 2013-04-12
Age : 27

Manazz shows himself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manazz shows himself   Manazz shows himself EmptySat May 04, 2013 8:38 am

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