Wrestling Gone Wild
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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins

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Scott Adkins

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Join date : 2013-04-16

Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins Empty
PostSubject: Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins   Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins EmptyFri May 17, 2013 10:01 pm

Dont have a lot of inspiration at the moment, very busy at work. Please check grammer and all the negative things about the fed is intended for the roleplay lol Smile
Indestructible from Disturbed starts to blast out of the speaker. Red and blue light are filling the arena floor as Scott Adkins slowly walks towards the ring.

The crowd does not seem to excited to see Scott Adkins and some of them are even screaming negative comments.

He climbs up in the ring, picks up a microphone and puts the microphone near his mouth.

Scott Adkins: “So this is the thanks I get from you? You are all so predictable, everyone one of you”

Crowd starts to scream negative comments even harder

Scott Adkins: “Yeah, just like I thought, so predictable!”

Scott Adkins: “I don’t even care what you think of me. I am here for one purpose, and that is money. I did not even want to come to this lousy place, but Reaper made me an offer I could not refuse. So while you are screaming and booing me, i am making more money than all of you ever will”
Scott Adkins has an evil smile on his face while the crowd boos

Scott Adkins: “Tonight I will fight our so beloved General manager Reaper, how ironic. And the best part is, he actually thinks i am going to fight tonight. I will go to the ring, take a few punches and lay down until he makes the 3 count.”

Scott Adkins: “That way everyone will be happy. Reaper will look like a tough guy because he beat Scott Adkins in a few minutes, and I will cash in the paycheck later on.”

Scott Adkins: But don’t get me wrong. I am not your regular jobber, no, not even close. I will only fight when I think I should fight, when there is something to gain from it, but tonight is not one of those nights.

Scott is shaking his head making a “no” gesture

Scott Adkins: “If you really want me to participate in this little charade you call a federation, you will need to give me a reason to participate and not fight these regular matches. Give me a call when you have something interesting, in the meantime, I will be happy with the paycheck!”

Scott Adkins throws the microphone on the ground
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Age : 27

Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins   Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins EmptyFri May 17, 2013 10:14 pm

fix the layout please, you can find it under 'Roleplay Info' then it's 'Roleplay Example and Breakdown'

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GM Tom Scott
GM Tom Scott

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Join date : 2013-04-05
Age : 28
Location : Behind You

Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins   Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins EmptySat May 18, 2013 12:41 am

Also book it on the show card
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PostSubject: Re: Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins   Scott Adkins only for the money Pre Reaper vs Scott Adkins Empty

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