Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Tom Scott's Return Speech

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GM Tom Scott
GM Tom Scott

Posts : 214
Join date : 2013-04-05
Age : 28
Location : Behind You

Tom Scott's Return Speech Empty
PostSubject: Tom Scott's Return Speech   Tom Scott's Return Speech EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 11:04 pm

The camera fades from a commercial break to show the broadcast table. Bill, Jim and Steve are sat talking.

Jim Carrey: Well, here we go folks, to end up the night we've got the Returning Tom Scott coming out here shortly.

Bill Gates: Indeed, hes going to be delivering his return speech to this Dublin crowd. Who are excited as heck for Tom Scott's return.

Steve Jobs: Yes, and what we have to bare in mind, is that this is the first time since Tom Scott was injured, that he has appeared on the normal show.

Bill Gates: Well, I certainly cannot wait for what Tom has on his mind.

The Metal By Tenacious D Plays out over the speakers. The crowd let out a massive roaring cheer.

Jim Carrey: Speak of the devil, he's here!

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, making his return to Wrestling Gone Wild. Please welcome, TOM SCOTT!!!

The arena lights fade to black, and a single spotlight shines down onto the entrance stage. Tom Scott appears and walks into the spotlight. He looks up from the floor and looks around the crowd. He raises both arms with fists clenched up into the air quickly, as he does this, pyro goes off at both sides of him, and the lights come on.

Again the crowd cheer.

Tom Scott makes his way down to the ring, high-5ing people as he walks down the ramp. He then climbs the ring steps and then climbs through the ropes. He then walks over to the opposite corner and climbs up onto the middle turnbuckle. He looks around and then smirks.

Bill Gates: And the crowd are going wild for Tom Scott here tonight!

Tom Scott climbs down and requests a microphone. The ring announcer hands him one. He stands in the middle of the ring taking in the crowd. He then raises the mic to his lips.

Tom Scott: You know, its amazing what being away from all of this for 7 weeks does to you. But, I can safely say. It feels so damn good to be back!

The Crowd cheer

Tom Scott: You see, being injured, It messes with your mind, you don't know what to do. you find yourself in bed at 4 am asking yourself, "should I even get up today". And sometimes I did just that, for a week or so. And one day, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "are you really going to give up that easily?" And then I started to go to the gym, I started working out, I worked tirelessly, day and night to rebuild what had been taken from me.

Jim Carrey: I was expecting something else to be honest.

Steve Jobs: Shut up, there is still time..

Tom Scott: And then the first show of the last season came around, I switched on, and saw that Clark X was parading around like he was something special, he was pretending to be something that he wasn't. A champion. A true champion wouldn't just injure someone and then climb the ladder and grab the title like the little [Censored], that he is. A true sportsman and a true champion, would not resort to such things. A champion would check if his opponent was alright, he would makes sure he was ok after the match. But no, nothing. Not even a voicemail message. And me being sat there with fractured ribs, a concussion and other injurys I couldn't take the sight of Clark X strutting around with a title that shouldn't even belong to him.

The crowd are silent as they listen intently to what Tom is saying.

Tom Scott: And then, I watched back the PPV, and that match, over and over again till i found out where I went wrong. I didn't finish the job. I got ahead of myself, and I went for the title too early. And as a result, I found myself crashing through the announcers table. But, watching that match back, it lit a fire in me. So I started training harder, and harder, but no matter how hard I pushed myself, that fire remained alight. And rumours started to spread, that i was returning, and i watched the show each week with Jenny Carmichael doing the spots on me and the updates. I found them quite amusing because of all the rumours that were going on, because someone happened to see me in a gym. And whilst I remember, Congratulations on being the new General Manager's position Jenny, In think you'll make a great boss.

Steve Jobs: I don't..

Bill Gates: Why not?

Steve Jobs: I don't like reporters.. they're too media based..

Jim Carrey: Oh shut up Steve, and just listen...

Tom Scott: But its funny, The Pay Per View came around, and i was in Toronto, and my original plan was to return tonight. But then, I remembered something. I had a rematch clause waiting. So I turned up to the stadium, mid match was waiting just backstage out of sight, then BAM, 1...2...3... title successfully retained, and then hit my music, Here comes Mr Scott with vengeance on his mind. And it felt good, taking out some built up frustration. And in my mind, I was set, I was going to cash in my clause for a rematch tonight, and I would have ended that idiots reign as a 'Champion'. But then, someone had to go cash in their Dream Breaker briefcase..

The Crowd cheers and begin to chant "Chris John" repeatedly.

Tom Scott: Yes, Chris John. And congratulations to him, he took advantage of the situation and all credit goes to him. And he's the new Abandonment Champion. But you see, here's the thing Chris, I'm still owed a Rematch for the title, And I want to take up that rematch. And I know I've never challenged you for that title, hell, I've never faced you at all, but this is Professional Wrestling, and that can be arranged easily. So here is my proposal. Me vs you, one and one, Title on the line. The match type can be decided later once you accept. You have untill the next show. Times a-ticking Champ...

Tom Scott drops the mic and exits the ring. He then heads backstage. The camera switches to the Broadcast Table

Jim Carrey: Wow, what a way to make a return, and a challange has been made straight away to the new champion.

Bill Gates: Well, Tom Scott has no time for fun and games now, hes back and he wants that title.

Steve Jobs: Indeed, now were going to go to a quick sponsors message and then we'll be back to close off the show with the recap.

The Camera fades to a sponsor's message.
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