Wrestling Gone Wild
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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Show Closing (..?)

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Join date : 2013-07-10

Show Closing (..?) Empty
PostSubject: Show Closing (..?)   Show Closing (..?) EmptyWed Jul 10, 2013 7:17 am

As Masuboku climbs the turnbuckle with his belt, the lights suddenly go out in the arena. The female audience does the usual screaming whilst the titantron flashes on.

The white light it emanates is the only form of light filling the arena. Masuboku stares at blinding light. Suddenly, several numbers on the screen.

0. 0. 0. 0.

Suddenly, a guitar's wavy strums enter the arena. The numbers begin changing at a rapid pace.

The vocalist suddenly enters the song. "FIGHT!" is suddenly heard through the arena and right on cue with it, an array of fireworks burst from the floor as the lights go on and the spotlight focuses on a man standing on the ramp.

His face is hidden by the shadow. As the song has a moment it stutters, the lights change color from black to red. The man's face shows and is recognized as the legend, Nero.

The crowd springs into a frenzy of cheers as it marks the return and debut of Nero in WGW.

He stares at Masuboku as he walks down the ramp with a microphone in hand. The fans try to reach for a handshake or a highfive but Nero ignores them.

He slides into the ring and signals for the techs to cut the music. As the P.A system goes quiet, the arena fills with Nero chants.

Nero appears unaffected and stares at the title that Masuboku is holding, drops his own microphone, then shifts his stare at the beaten body of FB98712. He helps him up and raises his hand. Then turns him his way.

Nero grabs FB98712's arm and pulls him up on his shoulders roughly and grabs his head and leg
then swings him off his shoulder and quickly wraps his arm around FB98712's head in mid-air for a guillotine and drops into a F5 DDT executing a LEGENDARY Orbital Exenteration

Nero quickly rolls back onto his feet to receive the loudest boo's ever from the crowd. He quickly approaches Masuboku until they're face-to-face.

Nero maintains his evil smirk before backing off to reach for the microphone. The crowd goes silent after Nero once again signals for silence.

Nero: "To think that low-class wrestlers like yourself could even earn the right to have a spotlight shine on them makes me sick, Masuboku. You're the dirt of this industry. You think you've proven anything by beating this lousy waste of space? You?"

Masuboku appears to reach for the microphone but Nero slaps his hand out of the way, then slaps Masuboku in the face causing him to drop the belt.

Nero: "You don't have the right to speak 'till I grant you one. You may have beaten Tank Buster at the first pay-per-view to win that title, but you've yet to face your greatest challenge. Not that so-called number 1 contender. You're looking straight at him."

Masuboku appears to be asking who Nero is, to which Nero lets out a chuckle.

Nero: "You are looking at the best thing going in this business right now, and the best thing to happen to WGW. Prove me wrong. Prove yourself to me. I'll only give you one chance. Expect me. Now, pick up that freakin'  tile before I take it from you."

Nero drops the microphone. Masuboku gives him one last, mean stare and bends towards the title to pick it up. Nero suddenly moves to the ropes at great speed and bounces off towards Masuboku.

Nero runs towards the bent Masubuko and jumps into the air
then quickly places his boot on the back of Masuboku's skull driving it down into the championship belt executing a LEGENDARY Purity

Nero quickly grabs a hold of the microphone and crouches near the downed Masuboku, who's head lay on the title.


He quickly snatches the title from under Masubuko's head and raises it high, revealing his intentions before dropping his microphone along with the title on his victim's lifeless body before leaving to the backstage area.

The show's logo appears and the PPV ends.
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