Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
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 Gm speaks

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Posts : 65
Join date : 2013-04-05

Gm speaks  Empty
PostSubject: Gm speaks    Gm speaks  EmptyTue Apr 16, 2013 4:07 am

Bill Gates: what a turn out we have for the very first season of WGW .

Steve Jobs: Yes Bill this is it we have the eyes of the world on us right now as and we still await the apperance of our Gm .

Bill Gates : Yes Steve I think everyone right now wondering what kind of Gm Reaper going to make ?

Steve Jobs : Well let me give our viewers some back ground for those who don't know. Reaper has been an active wrestler sense the age of 16 the man has held numorous titles all over the world , and is one of the toughest S.O.B. In the history of wrestling .

Bill Gates : But Steve we both being business men one has to wonder is Reaper ready to be GM can he make those tough call keep his cool ,the pressure of being competeing in the ring and in the board room are very different .

Suddenly Crush'em from Megadeth starts to blare through out the arena , fans jump up to there feet as they realize this is it Reaper has arrived .

Reaper step out on to the ramp way to cheers from the fans wear a suit and tie .

Bill Gates : Wow I didn't think this place could get any louder but with the apperence of Reaper in a suit I'm having to scream my head off just to talk Steve .

Steve Jobs ( leans over towards Bill ) What you say i can't here a dam word ?

Reaper bows to the crowd as he makes his way down to the ring mic in hand stopping to shake hands with some fans before climbing into the ring .

Reaper leans up against the rope taken in all the energy ozzing out of the fans he climbs up each corner to show his respect to the people then walk to the centre of the ring bring the mic up to speak as the crowd queits down .

Reaper : Well this might just be the first time I'm glad I'm fully clothed ( you can here some giggles and some females screaming take it off ) no no this isn't that type of show , but I'll be honest right now I have goose bump all over .

Steve Jobs : Well so far Reaper holding his own .

Reaper : so you all like the suit and tie first time I've ever been need one but the owners and board of govenors haul me in to head office and layed down the law to old Reaper .

Reaper reaches into his pocket pulls out a sheet of paper .

Reaper : Ok bare with me this is good stuff .It's heading said rule for Reaper to follow as GM of WGW , He must dress in a suit and tie at all time when not book in a match for show ( Reaper grins )
I must also act in a professional manner when dealing with all office staff and roster member and at no time shell I put my hands on a staff member or fellow wrestler .( Reaper runs his fingers through his hair folds up the paper sticks it in his pocket ) Well now you all know what the powers to be have asked of me .

Bill Gates : Well that sounds reasonable .

Steve Jobs : Reaper following there guide lines so far .

Reaper loosen up his tie unbutton the coat .

Reaper : Well all I have to say about that is if that what it going to take for me to be Gm of WGW they can take this Job and shove it .

Reaper rips off the suit and tie tosses it out to the fans kicks off the dress shoes is left standing in the middle of the ring in his skin tight jeans and tank top .

Bill gates : That it he done thanks for coming Reaper .

Steve Jobs : What the hell why he throwing away this chance of running his own show .

Bill Gates : I told you the pressure it got to him .

Reaper : Now before I came here tonight I spoke with my agent whom enform me that the contract I agree to stated nothing about wearing a suit and that the only way i can be fired is if put my hands on a member of staff or roster with out just cause , so powers to be Bill and Steve you can stick it .

Bill and Steve shot up in rage yelling at Reaper as fans jester where they can stick there rules .

Reaper : this is Wrestling Gone wild not Wrestling in style so you two jobbers just sit back and stay out of my way .

Reaper jesture to the back to cut Bill and Steve mics

Reaper Now I've had a few calls from past friends when they heard i was stepping away to become Gm of WGW and they all thought i was off my rocker . One friend went as far as to fly all the way from England to find out what i was thinking ,honestly I'm glad he came. So without further or do, please welcome, Tom Scott!

The camera shows the entrance ramp. You're The Best by Joe Esposito plays over the speakers. Tom Scott then enters wearing jeans, a black shirt and sunglasses. He stands at the top of the ramp looking around at the crowd. He walks down to the ring and walks up the steps. He steps between the ring, He walks past GM Reaper and grabs a microphone. He pauses for a second, before beginning to speak.

Tom Scott: Man, i can't tell you how tempting it is to super-kick you right now.

Reaper looks confused.

Tom Scott: I mean how controversial would that be. The first show of a the first season, GM Reaper introduces an old friend, he makes his way to the ring, and BAM. GM Reaper is laid out cold in the middle of the ring, sparking a personal fued between former friends as they battle it out toe to toe each week to prove that they are the better man which ultimately ends up in....

Reaper doesn't look impressed.

Tom Scott:...yeah, that's my imagination going wild again. But it would be awesome, Right?

Reaper: Yeah...

Tom Scott: Ok. But Its been long time no see Reaper, we gotta do this more often.

Reaper: We can, if you want.

Tom Scott: I don't get it...

Reaper: We'll speak more in my office. But for now, Ladies and Gentlemen, Tom Scott!

The camera fades to black as GM Reaper and Tom Scott walk backstage.
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