Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Shark attack

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Posts : 65
Join date : 2013-04-05

Shark attack  Empty
PostSubject: Shark attack    Shark attack  EmptyWed May 15, 2013 7:03 am

Jessica Love : Hello WGW fans I have Request this time for the man who been running over super star aft super star in WGW sense showing up ( long pause ) and Here he is .
Jaws theme song starts to play as Mike Shark walks out from the back stage area and heads down to the ring .
Bill Gate : This man is nothing more then a bully people .
Steve Jobs : Yes Bill but he making us all stand up and take notice just look around not one person has said a thing sense he came out .
Bill Gate: Well he a unstable person who has already show he care little for others and always has his two henchmen laying in wait .
Mike Shark steps inside the ring and is greeted by Jessica with a big huge Hug ,she hands mike the mic .
Mike Shark : I came out here to explain my action from last week . First off that young man that I sent off to the hospital I just like to say i wish you a speedy recovery and all the best in your future plans outside of this business ,secondly Mr . Clark X hows the leg ( laughs ) let me tell you Clark your one tough guy I've seen men twice as strong tap fast to my finisher , so full props to you .
The crowd start to chant Clark ,Clark , Clark
Mike Shark : That right give it up to him he earn your respect sure it almost cost him his career .
They crowd cheer louder
Mike Shark : Now people don't blame me for my actions last week you want to blame someone look no further then WGW GM /Wrestler Reaper .Yes I said Reaper .
The fans start chanting your scared of Reaper your scared of Reaper
Mike Shark : I blame Reaper for forcing me to hurt these people for making me out to be this monster When really I'm a real nice guy .
Jessica love nods in agreement clapping her hands as the fans do a round of boo .
Mike Shark : You just don't see it cause Reaper bring out the worse in me .
Mike shark start shaking uncontrollably gripping the mic so tight it snaps
Jessica Love : It OK baby your OK just breath breath ,can we get a new mic plz ?
A ring side staff tosses in a new mic and Jessica hands it to mike who has stop shaking
Mike Shark : Thank you Jessica you know how it come to Reaper , So I’m going to make this short .Reaper What I did last week was nothing Clark X that young man was nothing really it wasn't even personal they where just the end to a means and that means was to send a message straight to you ( pauses ) That message is what am i going to do to you once I get you in that ring alone at this season PPV Mike Shark Vs Reaper in a buried alive match .
The crowd chant Reaper Reaper Waiting to see him come out in response to this announcement
Mike Shark and Jessica Love stare out at the ramp way looking for Reaper .
Bill Gate : I don't even think Reaper is here right now are even knows he's in a buried alive match at our PPV .
Mike Shark : Well I guess we know now who scared of who , Well Reaper I'll give you til shows end to answer my challenge other wise I'll add another victim to the list and another and another til you responded .
The two exit the ring and head off to the back silently talking to one another .
Steve Jobs : Well I don't know what going to happen but I hope Reaper answer this challenge fast before this man send another person to hospital .
Bill Gates : Well we can't worry about it right now we have a show to do.
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Posts : 65
Join date : 2013-04-05

Shark attack  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shark attack    Shark attack  EmptyFri May 17, 2013 2:43 am

Jessica Love: Hello WGW fans, as you know I am Jessica Love. Now I have a request, this time for the man who's been running over super star after super star in WGW since showing up... and here he is.

The jaws theme song starts to play. Mike Shark walks out from the back stage area and heads down to the ring.

Bill Gate: This man is nothing more than a bully.

Steve Jobs: Yes Bill, but he making us all stand up and take notice. Just look around, not one person has said a thing since he came out.

Bill Gate: Well he is a unstable monster who has already shown us how dangerous he truly is.

Steve Jobs: Don't forget about his two henchmen.

Mike Shark steps inside the ring and is greeted by Jessica with a big hug, she hands Mike the mic.

Mike Shark: Thank you Jessica. Now, I'm out here to explain my actions from last week. First off, that young man that I sent to the hospital. I just like to wish him a speedy recovery and all the best in your future plans outside of this business, secondly Mr. Clark X... hows the leg? HAHAHAH! Let me tell you Clark, your one tough guy I've seen men twice as strong tap a lot faster than you to my finisher, so full props to you. 

The crowd start to chant 'Clark, Clark, Clark' 

Mike Shark: That's right, applaud him, he earned your respect... sure it almost cost him his career.

The crowd cheer louder 

Mike Shark: Now people, don't blame me for my actions last week. You want to blame someone? Look no further than WGW General Manager, Reaper. Yes I said it, Reaper.

The fans start chanting 'Reaper'

Mike Shark: I blame Reaper for forcing me to hurt these people, for making me out to be this monster, when really I'm a real nice guy.

Jessica love nods in agreement clapping her hands as the fans do a round of boo. 

Mike Shark: You just don't see it cause Reaper brought out the worst in me.

Mike Shark starts shaking uncontrollably, gripping the mic so tight it snaps! 

Jessica Love: It's OK baby, your OK. Just breath, breath... can we get a new mic please? 

A ring side staff tosses in a new mic and Jessica hands it to Mike who has stopped shaking 

Mike Shark: Thank you Jessica. I’m going to make this short. Reaper, what I did last week was nothing! Clark X, that young man was nothing really, it wasn't even personal, he was just the end to a means and that means was to send a message straight to you! That message is what am I going to do to you once I get you in that ring alone at the Pay Per View! Mike Shark Vs Reaper in a buried alive match!

The crowd chant Reaper Reaper waiting to see him come out in response to this announcement. Mike Shark and Jessica Love stare out at the ramp way looking for Reaper. 

Bill Gates: I don't even think Reaper is here right now.

Mike Shark: Well I guess we know now who's scared of who. Well Reaper I'll give you until the end of the show to answer my challenge, otherwise I'll add another victim to the list... and another... and another until you respond.

The two exit the ring and head off to the backstage, quietly talking to one another.

Steve Jobs: Well I don't know what's going to happen but I hope Reaper answers this challenge fast before this man sends another person to hospital!

Bill Gates: Well we can't worry about that right now, we have a show to do.
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