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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Masubuko's attack on Tank Buster (post match)

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Posts : 119
Join date : 2013-04-12
Age : 27

Masubuko's attack on Tank Buster (post match) Empty
PostSubject: Masubuko's attack on Tank Buster (post match)   Masubuko's attack on Tank Buster (post match) EmptyThu Apr 18, 2013 5:58 am

Tank Buster is up on his feet celebrating his first victory in WGW on his debut, we walks around the ring embracing the atmosphere when suddenly familiar music interrupts his celebrations as he stares at the entrance to the arena in confusion. The music plays for a long 10 seconds but nobody has appeared.

Steve Jobs: Well we've heard this music Earlier tonight, it's Masubuko's isn't it?

Bill Gates: Of course it's Masubuko's you idiot!

Steve Jobs: The question is though, where is he and why has his music played?

Bill Gates: Something tells me it isn't to congratulate Tank Buster on his victory.

Everyones eyes are focused on the entrance and finally Masubuko appears and starts to walk to the ring. He walks about half way then stops and looks at his surroundings then stares directly and Tank Buster. Suddenly he charges down the ramp and slides the ring and takes down Tank Buster and the two superstars begin to brawl

Bill Gates: What did I say, Steve? He wasn't going to congratulate him.

Tank Buster begins to fight back and gets Masubuko on the back foot but Masubuko kicks Tank Buster in the gut. Masubuko then puts his arm over the opponents head then puts the opponents arm over his head and lifts the foe up,
Musbuko then turns the opponent around, jumps back and slams his face into the mat executing a
devastating Justice!!

Steve Jobs: Oh what a move!! Bill, did you see that move?!?!

Bill Gates: Yes I certainly did Steve, I believe he calls that Justice.

Tank Buster is left sprawled out on the mat as Masubuko stands over him looking down. He then raises his head and gives a sinister stare to the audience then exits the ring and begins to walk up the ramp to backstage

Bill Gates: Well Steve now that is what I call a statement, Masubuko refuses to be out staged tonight!

Steve Jobs: A statement that was indeed, but completely uncalled for, why doesn't he prove his worth in a match like the others!?

Bill Gates: Because he doesn't need to, he can do stuff like that!! Remember that name Steve, Masubuko!

Steve Jobs: Anyway folks lets move on with the night.
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Masubuko's attack on Tank Buster (post match)
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