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 Masubuko's second attack

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Posts : 119
Join date : 2013-04-12
Age : 27

Masubuko's second attack Empty
PostSubject: Masubuko's second attack   Masubuko's second attack EmptyTue May 07, 2013 4:27 am

The camera shows the parking lot and a car pulls up. The door opens and out steps Tank Buster, he gives a thanks to the driver then closes the door and begins to walk into the building. Suddenly from behind a truck, Masubuko charges at Tank Buster and spears him to the floor. Masubuko begins to repeatedly punch Tank as he tries to fight back but to no avail. Eventually Tank manages to push Masubuko off of him and gets up. Masubuko charges at Tank once more and hits him with another spear. Masubuko gets up and backs off waiting for Tank Buster to get up. Masubuko starts to walk over to Tank Buster and grabs him by the head. He pulls Tank Buster towards a truck and slams his head into the side leaving Tank Buster sprawled out on the floor. Masubuko stares at Tank Buster then gives a sinister looking smile as he turns and walks into the building.

Bill Gates: Woah, I certainly wasn't expecting that!

Steve Jobs: Neither was I Bill!

Bill Gates: I guess he is still frustrated about his loss against Gangsta G last week.

Steve Jobs: I gotta be honest I expected more last week from Masubuko.

Bill Gates: But he was once again proved he does have the raw ability and the power needed to succeed.

Steve Jobs: I think we need to see what he can really do in the ring before we make any judgments on him.
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Masubuko's second attack
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