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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Post injury, pre match interview

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Clark X

Posts : 47
Join date : 2013-04-07
Age : 30

Post injury, pre match interview Empty
PostSubject: Post injury, pre match interview   Post injury, pre match interview EmptySat May 18, 2013 2:06 pm

The camera moves to Clark X's locker room which shows him working out and warming up for his match. His injured leg is wrapped with medical tape from his match last week. He hears someone knocking on his door and opens it, and sees Jessica outside and quickly closes the door. Right before the door slams on her face Jessica catches the edge and opens it herself.

Clark X: I'm surprised you didn't just have one of your guys kick that door down.

Jessica: Listen Clark X, I know you're still mad about the stuff that happened last week. But I've been assigned to interview you, and either than being the manager of the greatest group of guys in this fed. this is part of my job as an employee here

Clark X: You have 5 minutes woman, then I want you out of this room and back to the hands of your man whores.

Jessica ignores his remark and takes a deep breath.

Jessica: You just had a career ending match last week against Mike Shark and yet you're still going through with not only your match tonight but the PPV match with Tom Scott. the people are asking why?

Clark X: I am not the kind to backdown so easily, its as simple as that. Even with all the people who may disagree with what I do. I will keep on doing it.

Clark X shows off his bandaged leg

Clark X: Your guy did this to me and I want you to tell him that right after I'm done with JmK and Tom Scott, I'm coming right after him and giving him double the pain he caused me!

Clark X goes close to the door

Clark X: Now if you could please leave Jessica, your 5 minutes are up.

Jessica gives him a mean look and makes her way out of the room.
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