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 An interview with J.O.B.B.E.R.S.

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Not so Silent Bob

Posts : 270
Join date : 2013-04-18
Age : 53
Location : NJ

An interview with J.O.B.B.E.R.S.  Empty
PostSubject: An interview with J.O.B.B.E.R.S.    An interview with J.O.B.B.E.R.S.  EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 3:59 am

Camera pans backstage then we see Jessica Love calling out for Cast ling whose seen walking towards the locker room

Jessica Love: *shouting* MR CAST LING.....MR CAST LING

Cast ling stops for a moment and looks behind as he sees Jessica love running towards him

Jessica Love: *shouting* Please Stop

Jessica finally catches up with Cast ling, breathing heavily after the run she just did.

Cast ling: What you want???...i don't have the time for this

Jessica love: *breathing heavily* Sorry Mr Cast ling , i just wanted to have a moment of you time so i can ask you a couple of questions concerning The new stable Called The J.O.B.B.E.R.S...

Cast ling: What you wanna know??? Make it snappy, time is money..

Jessica love: You surprised everyone last week as you where the sixth inductee to the stable after insulting all the members. Why did you join The Jobbers???

Cast ling: *laughs* I can't help myself for laughing everytime i hear that name "Jobbers" *laughs* that's funny...you wanna know why i joined it's very simple i'm just doing those guys a favour by being in the presence of future greatness "ME"...now tell me what do you get when you put 5 fools together???

Jessica love: *thinking* mmhm i don't know. What??

Cast ling: A bunch of LOSERS *laughs* if you really want to know my true intention with the group it's simply to benefit me in the long run...it's a matter of me using my genuis to exploit their stupidity-

Before Cast ling could say anything more, The J.O.B.B.E.R.S. come walking towards Jessica L. And Cast ling. Then Hammerhead Grabs the mic Jessica was holding


The Mississippi Mauler : Just get to the point Hammerhead.

Hammerhead: FINE. Anyway , when you interview one member of J.O.B.B.E.R.S. YOU INTERVIEW ALL OF US.

Jessica Love: What are your plans for tonight?

Hammerhead: Tonight the first and best ever stable in WGW will issue an open challenge to any idiot who wants to face me and Wraslar in a handicap match!


Owen Hart Jr: Hey besties! what will i dooooo?


Owen Hart Jr: Ya know honey you are really ruining the gooood vibe in this room.

*Hammerhead gives Owen Hart an ear slap*

Owen Hart Jr: OUCH.

Hammerhead: The J.O.B.B.E.R.S. are out of here.

*The J.O.B.B.E.R.S. leave as Cast ling face palms and leaves with them as the camera fades*
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