Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 opening rp for show

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Posts : 65
Join date : 2013-04-05

opening rp for show  Empty
PostSubject: opening rp for show    opening rp for show  EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 5:58 am

The show opens up to the screams of the fans, the camera pans around the arena, lights flashing all over and Nickleback's "This Means War" is blasted out of the speakers. Pyros are going off on the stage, down the ramp and out of all four corners of the ring. Fans holding up WGW signs and messages for the favorite wrestlers fill the arena with excitement. A lone man stands in the centre of the dimly lighted ring.

As the light brightens, the lone man's identity is revealed to show that it is Bill Gates. The crowd quiet down as Bill lifts the mic towards his mouth.

Bill Gates: Good evening WGW fans and welcome to our second show of the season!

The fans go back into a rage of screaming and chanting "WGW!!! WGW!!!"

Bill Gates: (brings the mic back up to his lips) Well as many of you are probably wondering what I am doing in the ring and not sitting at the announcer's table, I've been asked to come out here and inform you all that Reaper will unfortunately not be here tonight.

The crowd goes silent and all eyes focus on Bill.

Bill Gates: From what we have been informed, Reaper was involved in a fight outside a night club following the ending of are first show and is now laying in a hospital bed recovering. All medical reports suggest he will be out of action for a long period of time. We were however able to secure some CCTV footage of what happened outside the night club, so as a word of warning, if you have a weak stomach, please turn away now.

The video begins to play.

The video pops up on the screen and it shows Jessica love staggering to her car out in the parking lot followed by two medium built guys, the guys rush up behind her pushing her against the car, roughing her up. You can hear her screams for help over the noises in the background and next you see Reaper racing over to help Jessica as he pulls the guys away from her and punches them, knocking them firmly to the ground. While Reaper is checking on Jessica a third man appears from behind Reaper and attacks him with a lead pipe straight to the back of Reaper's head causing him to drop to the ground. The guys then proceed to stomp at Reaper while he lays helpless.

The video pauses as Bill begins to speak again.

Bill Gates: Now fans this is the shocking part of the whole ordeal.

The video starts back up with Reaper on his knees gripping on to Jessica Love, pulling her down to protect her as the 3 men continue to attack him with the lead pipe, kicking him and stomping on him until they manage to roll Reaper's lifeless body off of Jessica Love.
Then a massively built guy helps Jessica to her feet and she leaps up and wraps her legs and arms around the man. She looks into his eyes and a whisper is heard.

Jessica Love: I told you I set him up for you baby, now get your revenge.

The three men grab hold of Reaper while Jessica leans up against her car snapping pictures of this massive man punching a wide open and defenseless Reaper. Hitting Reaper with left hooks and right hooks, head shots and gut shots, Reaper slumps over with blood running down his face like a river. One of the guys pulls out a chain and wraps it around Reaper's neck pulling back as tight as he can. Jessica can be heard in the background. 

Jessica Love: why don't you boys take him for a ride?

They toss Reaper's lifeless body into the trunk of a car and can be seen speeding off.

Bill Gates: Now Reaper was found a few miles down the road by an elderly couple in a ditch and from what they told us at first they thought it was a poor animal that had been ran over repeatedly and brutally beaten. Now police have spoken with both Ms. Love and Reaper and even though Jessica Love refuses to name the men who she helped attack our Reaper, our General Manager refuses to press any charges against Ms. Love. His only statement was that 'I will, in my own time, make her answer for what she has done'.

The crowd are silent and in shock over what they have just seen.

Bill Gates: Now obviously when more information is released we will let you now immediately, but until that happens we must continue on as normal. Thank you for listening but without any more delays, lets get on with the show!
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