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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Interview with Masubuko

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Posts : 119
Join date : 2013-04-12
Age : 27

Interview with Masubuko Empty
PostSubject: Interview with Masubuko   Interview with Masubuko EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 5:49 am

The cameraman and Jessica Love are rushing to catch up with Masubuko

Jessica Love: Masubuko, Masubuko!

Masubuko turns around with a not so surprised look on his face

Masubuko: What is it exactly that you want?

Jessica Love: Well I was just wondering if you could ans...

Masubuko cuts off Jessica Love

Masubuko: I know what you want, you want to ask why I did it? What possible reason I had for doing it? What was going through my mind when I devastated Tank Buster and left him laying on the mat, helpless?

Jessica Love: Well... er... yeah, you just took the words right from my mouth, soooo?

Masubuko: It's actually quite simple, you see Jessica, I wasn't scheduled for a match tonight which was a huge mistake by our General Manager. That's why I decided to make an impact some other way, and what better way to demolish a fellow superstar!

Jessica Love: But why Tank Buster, what did he ever do to you?

Masubuko: There is no particular reason why I chose Tank Buster, I just saw an opportunity and I took it! Hopefully now Reaper won't overlook me ever again! Saying that you wait 'till next week, my debut will be one to remember!

Masubuko smiles disturbingly and then walks off
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Interview with Masubuko
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