Wrestling Gone Wild
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GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
Wrestling Gone Wild
Hello, fellow member! Welcome to WGW! Warm Greetings from the roster!
GM: Reaper, VGMs: Tom Scott, Ashley
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 Impromptu Interview

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GM Tom Scott
GM Tom Scott

Posts : 214
Join date : 2013-04-05
Age : 28
Location : Behind You

Impromptu Interview Empty
PostSubject: Impromptu Interview   Impromptu Interview EmptyMon Jul 22, 2013 1:04 am

The Camera fades from black to show Jessica Love in a backstage corridor. She is playing with here hair as she goes through some notes. We hear a voice of camera, which suprises Jessica.

Voice: Jessica.

Jessica turns to see who called her name, as she does this, Tom Scott comes into shot.

Jessica Love: Tom!

Jessica throws her arms around his neck and hugs him.

Tom Scott: Hey Jess, how have you been?

Jessica stops hugging Tom.

Jessica Love: Good thanks, hows your back?

Tom Scott: Its actually surprisingly fine.

Jessica Love: I've just had an idea!

Tom Scott: Something involving toys? Huh.. Huh..

Jessica looks at Tom with a face of pure unimpression.

Tom Scott: Kidding..

Jessica Love: Hmm.. my idea, I could give you your first backstage interview since returning from injury.

Tom Scott: Alright, sounds cool.

Jessica Loves pauses for a second.

Jessica Love: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Tom Scott.

Tom Scott: Thanks.

Jessica Love: Now, earlier, you learnt that the medical staff have cleared you to compete. And with your match against Cast Ling as our main event this evening. What is your take on the fact it is your first match back and also your thoughts on your opponent?

Tom Scott: Well, my thoughts on the match itself is that I am pumped up for it. I mean i will be on my guard as its my first match back and of course if I was Cast Ling, i would try and target the areas of injury, but I won't let that happen. And its kinda weird that the last time i was in a match, was at Survivor in a ladder match. So I'm excited to get back into the fray. As for Cast Ling, hes a new opponent for me so i'll see what happens.

Jessica Love: Ok, so good luck in your match, but i'm sure you won't need it.

Tom Scott: Thanks.

The camera fades out as Tom Scott walks away.
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